Steve UI

Steve Delfaus UI Developer

Steve Dalfaus wanted in two states for rerouting react apps.

Gill UI

Gill Abada UI Developer

Loves bagles and has odd affinity for cows??

Jonas UI

Jonas Walden UI Developer

Efficient UI Developer but has a odd way of writing copy...

Olivia FE

Olivia Osborn Front End Developer

Enjoys long walk on the beach and the satifaction when a route hits it's path.


Scott Vojik Front End Developer

Speedy Developer but likes to host websites on his own server citing goverment conserns..


Angel Buenrostro IOS Devloper

The strong silent type.


Kai Lovingfoss Back End Developer

Wondering constantly 'Why does this GD thing not work! Just work you pice of ____ WORK!'


David Freitag Back End Developer

Hard worker speaks only in binary.


Wonjae Hwang Scrum Master

Didn't ask for this job but did it anyway!

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